First Day of School! Enrolling now at all six of our campuses across Arizona. Link to your campus on our website to ask questions or enroll online now!
Governing Board Meeting July 12, 2023 FY 23-24 Approval of the Proposed Budget for PPEP TEC Charter High Schools
From the Fields to School Journey with two of our PPEP TEC students in San Luis Arizona as they work in agricultural fields at night and attend high school during the day.
Poetry Slam at the Celestino Fernandez Learning Center in Tucson Join our night school students that will be spinning words as their final project!
Shop for Mother's Day and Support High School Graduates! Shop this Saturday at Kendra Scott Jewelry and 20% of your purchase will be donated to our scholarship funds.
Career Fair-Raul Castro Learning Center in Douglas Join our students to discover what career lie ahead for them after graduation!
Health Awareness Events in Tucson-FREE! The Mexican Consulate in partnership with the U of A Cancer Center provide two opportunities to learn about cancers that affect the Latino Community. A talk about Prostate Cancer and Colon Cancer.
Colin Powell Learning Center Science Teacher Recognition Science Teacher Wendy Mehl Received a Teacher Spotlight from the Arizona Science Teachers Association
Strikes for Scholars 2023!!! Help raise money for college scholarships and support our deserving students at PPEP TEC High School.